24 January 2008

Supporting the Pro-life Position

"The Pro-Life position is true" – Scott Klusendorf

Focus on the Family had an absolutely wonderful program today, and it continues tomorrow. Scott Klusendorf is speaking on abortion, truth, and morals. If you want to learn how to argue then you should listen to him, it is absolutely incredible to me that he can speak on a topic like abortion and defend the life of the fetus without bringing the bible into the conversation. Why is that good? Because most of the pro-choice (pro-death: hey if you are going to do opposite sides use opposite words) people that we talk to about abortion do not accept the bible as the absolute truth. Anyway, he uses an acronym to help us remember what to talk about when we meet someone who supports abortion. Whether you "know" that abortion is right or wrong; please keep reading. All are welcome to read here, and hey feel free to leave me a mean comment if you want to. (It doesn't really matter, I only have two readers anyway.)

SLED: size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency.
1 Peter 3:15 tells us to give an answer for the hope that lies within us: we need to know how to argue intellectualy with someone.
Below is a synopsis of what the acronym sled means, and how to discuss it with someone (this is taken from the family.org website). If you would like to see more please visit family.org and get the free podcast for today and tomorrow and listen to Scott yourself.

Here's how to use the SLED test

* The unborn is smaller than the toddler, but toddlers are smaller than adults.
* The unborn is less developed than the toddler, but toddlers are less developed than elementary school kids.
* The unborn is in a different location than the toddler, but toddlers can change environments without changing their value.
* Finally, the unborn is more dependent than a toddler, but toddlers are more dependent than adolescents (even if some parents would deny this). And many other born people depend on medications, caregivers, and spacesuits to sustain their lives. They are more dependent than those who don't need these things.

So, there are only four ways the unborn differ from toddlers, but many toddlers and other born humans differ in exactly the same ways. So how can we justify killing the unborn on these grounds, when we protect born humans who have the same deficiencies?

I hope that this information has given you a reason to research more about the immorality of abortion. No respectable person could say that abortion is morally right when they analyze it through the eyes of even their own morals, or better yet, through the eyes of an unborn child.

1 comment:

Grace to You said...

(It doesn't really matter, I only have two readers anyway.)

Now you have three readers. :D

I stumbled upon the EWBC blog while cleaning out my bookmarks and took a look around...since I'm having trouble remembering names at the study, I thought it might help if I could see pictures, so I clicked on the links to other blogs and now at least I have you and Josie memorized. :)

Sandi (the newbie)