21 July 2011

Housebuilding: week 9

The last couple of times I have started my weekly updates I get caught up in the title.  I am torn between thoughts of "have we really been building the house for this many weeks already?" and " How many more weeks is this going to take?"  Obviously, building a house is a large project and will take many weeks to finally be finished.  We are even anticipating moving in before the house is completely finished, but then, as most homeowners know, a house is never finished!

This week has ben one of preparation.  Preparing for a chimney, and trusses is hard work.  The trusses alone require at least two men and a crane!  Can you believe that we had a crane at our house and I missed it?  

Here is the finished product as of the end of our preparation week.  Tune in next week to see the completed chimney, sheathing, and maybe even some roofing. 

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