04 June 2008

Josiah Loves Cocoa

This is an older video, as in from February I think, but Josiah is so cute I had to put it on here. 

I will try to post again soon, but just to warn you my computer is losing space and speed very fast. After 8 years I think it has decided it is about ready to retire. I am going to try to get another year out of it, but until I have revived this old lady a little I probably won't post much. I am praying that this revival will only take a week. 

It is nice to know that I have never had a problem with my computer and I will replace it with a Macintosh again, they are the only system to buy. I mean look... No upgrades, failures, tech support, and my system has lasted me 8 years.  And as far as replacing my current system instead of doctoring it up and pulling out its long term care ...  I have to wait until Dave Ramsey says I have enough money.

Until next time, please pray for my computer setup. As I tell Tyler repeatedly: besides the occasional phone call and radio it is my only link to the outside world. Not to mention to my small group of loyal bloggers. 

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