10 October 2007

Apple Picking in Maine

Apples are one of the few fruits that we grow well here in Maine. Besides berries there really isn't any fruit left that does well enough to sell. I suppose that some people grow pears and watermelon and the like, but apples are the most common and grow very well here in the North. In fact, when fall arrives apple cider becomes a staple in my house. With this in mind Tyler and I set off to take our three boys apple picking. If you can believe it, Tyler had never been apple picking and I had only gone once when I was a kid. Considering this a crime is a major understatement especially since we have about 12 orchards within 10 miles of our home. Well maybe not 12, but still at least 4. Anyway, I am getting off the point, we took them apple picking on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
The orchard that we went to had a horse and wagon that they used for you to go out to the trees, the boys loved the horses and riding on the wagon, even though the trees were only about 1,000 feet away we still road on the wagon. After all it is the experience, not the exercise that we came for. The boys loved it, we picked both macintosh and cortland apples. Elijah and Josiah sat in the trees to reach the apples, and both of them walked around gnawling on an apple the whole time. Of course, this was cute then, but when we got home and they continued to just grab an apple to eat around the house it wasn't so cute. So far, I have found all of the half eaten apples, and I cannot really get upset. If you saw Josiah walking around with an apple that had the littlest bites taken out of it you wouldn't be mad either.
As always Andrew loved apple picking, he actually sucked on a little of my apple, and laughed at the boys carrying our apple bag around and climbing in trees.
The moral of this story is this: If you haven't gone apple picking this year yet, then get a move on. Everyone from the ripe age of 6 months to 100 years loves this adventure. Hurry now! The year is almost over, the apple festival in Manchester was last weekend and a whole lot of fun. If you don't go this year, then pick up some cider and drink it while looking at Josiah in the tree, it will feel like you were there picking apples with us.
Enjoy this beautiful fall season everyone!

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