A long running joke in my family is about the ocean. It goes something like this...
Dad: "what did you do today?"
Me: "We went to the ocean"
Dad: "Which one"
Me: "The Pacific"
People ask the question: "which ocean did you go to?" all of the time. When what they really want to know is which one of the many beaches in Maine, did you visit? This year I have been blessed in that I have gone to both Popham and Reid on decent weather days. Considering that it rained most of June and July; this is quite the accomplishment.
Our first trip to the beach this year was with my friends, Amanda, Ethan, Sandi, and Jed. This is the first trip I have ever had at the ocean that the boys actually played contently for a long period of time. We were there for 4 + hours and didn't really want to leave when we did.
A few weeks later Tyler and I tool the boys to Reid State. The weather was a bit hazy, and it started raining before we left, but the trip was still worth the effort. The boys had a great time getting buried in the sand, and playing in the frigid water (50 degrees!).
Caleb got covered in sand. I had to hold him under those cold showers afterward to wash him off. He took it pretty well considering the circumstances (he was naked in the women's room... ahhh!).