11 May 2009

Thoughts & Change... part I

I am happy to announce that my brain is working! I know some of you doubt, but really I do think everyday; some days more than others.  I will not deceive you; when Caleb is teething or sick I am not happy; my days are long, my nights are short and my brain is on emergency standby.  If you tried to have intelligent conversation with me about anything besides children, sleeping, and cooking then you would basically receive the blue screen of death!! (is it blue or green?)  Anyway, I can tell when I have a child under the age of one in my home because these moments come and go for that first year. Thankfully, I noticed tonight that I am back to my annoyingly thoughtful self. Let me show you what I mean: 

Tonight my wonderful husband Tyler granted me ten minutes to take a shower without having to concern myself with the boys. We worked outside today and along with using the chainsaw: I got pelted with a huge chunk of ground and had a red ant bite me because he suddenly found himself in my house instead of his.  Needless to say, I needed a shower for my body and my piece of mind ( If my little friend had a brother I didn't want him on me).  

While in the shower I started thinking about all that I had read about people's complaints about churches. Not specific churches mind you, but the church as a whole. I have heard so many individuals tell me one of two things: 1. The church body doesn't focus on worship enough and 2. The doctrine in the church is skewed to being too legalistic or too liberal. Now, I don't want to get into these two debates as they are both viable. What I want to show you is my thought progression from this to something a bit more... thoughtful.  Disclosures aside I suddenly realized that we are not here to change the church, but to rather be changed by God, and as the apostle John said, if we loved God, then everything else would come out of that relationship. Our doctrine would be based on the word out of our desire to read God's word and please Him, and our worship would be sincere regardless of the style because we truly love God. 

Insight into my mind:

"We should be the change... What? Oh yeah, Gandhi: 'be the change you want to see in the world'.  No, there is something wrong with that statement, on the cover it may seem sincere and practical, but it isn't grounded in the Truth." 

What do I mean by this?  Stay Tuned...

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