It all started on a day that was not a prime number. Yes, that’s right, because it just wouldn’t be right. Several months ago I asked my exceptionally wonderful super-wife Lori to predict the birth date of our third child. I had heard a statistic somewhere that the most accurate prediction for the birth date would be the mother’s first instinct fairly early on in her pregnancy. Anyhow, she thought about it for a moment, but her mathematically oriented mind decided it had to be a good number, so she chose Thursday, March 22, 2007, a few days past her “due date”.
Now before we dig right into the details, I think it’s important to note that this pregnancy was not like either of the two before. God certainly has a sense of humor, I must attest. For me, I have been spoiled. Eli, our first son was born at 37 ? weeks naturally. In fact, that afternoon we had been to the doctors for a visit and joked about the baby not coming early or rather that he should come early as the doc would be on vacation around the due date. Well, that evening I happened to call my grand parents (Gram and Pup) who were on their way to Florida on a trip. I asked them if they’d want to know before or after their trip if the baby came while they were away; I didn’t want Gram to be upset that she’d missed her grandchild’s birth as she had missed no others before. She said she’d definitely want to know. Well, a few hours later precisely at midnight Lori had her first contraction. After 30 hours of gradually intensifying labor, Elijah Benjamin Smith was born. Praise God.
Josiah James was a different story, as of course all birthing stories are. There were a few serious but controllable complications forcing us to induce labor at about 37 ? weeks. After 4 ? hours of labor, Josiah was born. God gave us our second son. What a blessing!
This time Thursday, March 1st marked the 37 ? week timeframe. My coworkers can attest that I was very anxious. Unfortunately, there was no baby. This was just great! I was ready to disconnect from work and spend time with my family and the new addition! I felt rather silly for being so alert and waiting for the phone call. Everyday for a week I would ask my wife, “so, are you making any contractions yet?” She’d of course always answer with an aggravated response of “No, I’M not making any contractions yet, I’M sorry”. This was very disappointing, but let me tell you, I decided to take advantage of my uninterrupted nights of sleep for the next three weeks!
Time rolled on and here we were on the week of the baby’s “official” due date, March 19th. There was no way the baby would be coming that week, there was just too much going on. Work was absolutely crazy at the office with the announcement of layoffs at TD Banknorth. At home, we were having major troubles with our septic system, we were striving to get the new bedroom finished downstairs, and us Smith boys were recovering from the most horrible colds. After spending Tuesday and Wednesday evenings troubleshooting the septic issue instead of working on the bedroom, it was time to call in the professionals.
Thursday Morning arrived with Lori contacting and scheduling Smith’s Septic to come out and eliminate this septic issue. Now, Lori being the frugal minded woman that she is, decided that she wanted to save the small amount of money that she could by digging the holes up needed to pump the septic system. She decided to throw Josiah on her back and start digging. Shortly after she found the first hole, Mr. Smith arrived and advised her that he didn’t want her to go into labor while he was there and said he’d finish the job without charging for the digging of anymore holes. I think in her mind, she was thinking this might help to induce labor!
Later that day, we had a Doctors visit. It was just your normal pre-natal visit. We asked the doctor to do an exam just to let us know if anything was happening. He agreed, but made it clear that regardless of what he found, it could be tonight, or two more weeks. Come to find out she was 1cm dilated. No big deal.
Shortly after, we left the family practice and headed up the hill to Mister Market to get some last minute groceries just in case the baby came soon. Entering the produce aisle, my wife looks at me with a smile. She had a first, but somewhat intense contraction. We discussed it briefly and dismissed it thinking that it might not be real. We would wait to see if it kept happening, after all, we were just at the doc’s no more than 10 minutes ago. Perhaps it was Braxton Hicks, let’s keep walking she lamented. Throughout the store she probably had these mildly intense contractions every 3 or 4 minutes.
We rode home and the contractions slowed down. OK, that’s a good sign Lori thought; perhaps they’ll go away. Throughout the evening, these mildly intense contractions became intense contractions rather quickly. Since Lori’s plan was to pretty much get everything ready when her supposed light contractions began, she began to pack her stuff. I couldn’t stop her!
Not much time had passed when I was getting the feeling that we ought to head to the hospital. I actually called our friends, the Chicks, to come. Amanda was slated to come watch the boys for us during the hospital time. Lori, who was still insisting on making dinner for everyone, asked me to call and cancel as we were not heading to the hospital at that exact moment and may not be going for quite some time. She was definitely in denial!
As the evening progressed, Lori scurried around trying to think of all the things that she needed to do. I was finally able to convince her that we needed to head out. I called back and Tami Chick said someone would head right over.
About 10 minutes later, Lori scooched down in the kitchen to comfort Elijah whom she had just reprimanded for something that he had done. Not ten seconds later Lori screamed for help as her water broke all over the kitchen floor and the baby’s head dropped so low she could feel it coming. I quickly called 911 and ran to the door to hurry Tami along who had just pulled into the driveway. I told her that Lori’s water broke and that the baby was coming. It was a very confusing time, but we tried to stay calm.
Tami came in and at that time she tried to comfort the boys. Josiah was hysterical, but Eli was very curious. Lori was still on the kitchen floor. Right at this point, she said that she needed to push. The head was out with one push, and out came the baby with a second. I was blessed in literally catching my beautiful new baby boy. Immediately following delivery the baby did not really start to breath clearly. Tami took over and was able to rub his back and stimulate his breathing, we were in the clear. God is good.
Moments later, the first responder came and assisted us with the cutting of the cord. After a few minutes of wrapping the baby in towels that I had managed to warm up in the dryer during the few seconds of time in between events, Lori asked if she could nurse. It was perfect, the baby latched right on. Mother and child were healthy. We were rejoicing and in total peace.
Finally, the Turner Rescue ambulance had reached our home. I’m not even sure at what point they arrived. It was somewhat chaotic and I didn’t even know who was in my house! I made a few calls to family members and let me tell you, they didn’t believe what I was telling them!
After a rushed, chaotic, yet peaceful delivery of our son in the kitchen, and a bumpy ambulance ride, we arrived at the hospital where our new son checked in at 6 lbs 15 oz and 20 and 1/4 inches long. Everything after that was just like any other delivery, we spent an unnecessary night in the hospital and were able to bring our child home the next day. Andrew Tyler Smith was born on the 22nd day of March just like Lori said, afterall it was not a prime number day and that is just how we like it.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the sons of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. Psalm 127:4, 5