25 July 2012

Politics and Race

The Presidential election is coming up and the hype involved reminds me of what a Jester before the king must have looked like.  The media is beyond annoying.  I think the main problem that I have with them is that they speak as though they have authority to make their opinions fact and in the process make themselves look like fools.  They have a hard job this Summer though as their once perfect candidate of a President is obviously far from it, and their old tactics just aren't working.  The writing is on the wall that in 2008 so many Americans were so excited to be a part of History by electing the first black President that they didn't pay attention to what he stood for.  That illusion is now over, and we can all move onto trying to find someone who can actually do the job with respect.  In 2008, my comments would have been pinned as racist, but no more.  Calling someone racist just to try to make their point invalid is a low tactic and can be reversed in the blink of an eye.  Let me illustrate this idea for you with a few  examples.  Maybe by the end you will see that the Liberal politicians are more racist than your average conservative.

Conservatives (like myself) are pinned as racist for not endorsing a black President who is pro-death, pro big government, and wants to sanctify gay marriages (even though he isn't even Christian, and has no right to claim that he can sanctify anything.  Someone should tell him that isn't the President's job, but God's).  The truth is it doesn't matter if the President is black, asian, caucasian, native american or any other race.  The guy could be a Norseman like myself and I still wouldn't stand by a baby killing, freedom eliminating tyrant of a President.

The fact is that almost any conversation can be turned into a racial issue.  "oh you are pro abortion?  Did you realize that the majority of abortions are performed on black ladies?  So supporting abortion actually makes you racist because you advocate the killing of black babies."  Even something as simple as shopping can turn racist.  "You don't buy clothes made in China?  What kind of a racist freak are you to not like the Chinese?  I have never heard of someone so racist"  How about the political activists who act as though the whites of American owe something to the descendants of former slaves?  You're kidding right?  That is so racist I shouldn't even need to show you an example.  "What you mean you want everyone, including non-whites, to help pay for programs that would focus on trying to make up for slavery?  But you don't want to make programs to give "back payments" to the asians who built the railroad or the families that had children working in factories or even the Jews who were persecuted in WWII?  What kind of a racist would advocate a benefit for one race that suffered hardships and not for the others?"

The point is, when discussing Politics this Summer and Fall either get over the race card and realize that when someone uses it it is because they have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation.  Don't use it, and if someone uses it on you, either act like they must be joking, or hey use it back on them if you are so inclined.

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