5 May 2009
16 May 2009
We had high hopes and plans this past Summer. It all started with planning a nice long vacation for Tyler. We had to-do lists, day trips, and 4 anxious boys. Then vacation started and 80% of the days rained, and rained, and rained hard. On the occasional day without rain everything around our house was soaked, and getting some of our listed items done (most of them outside projects) became impossible. As a result, the lists remained, the day trips were reduced, and the boys remained anxious. We were, however, able to put in a few good day trips to help everyone's sad mood. Why is this the topic of my blog today?
17 May 2009
2 June 2009
(3 weeks Pre-Vacation)
One of our list items was completing the shed. You may remember that last fall we had some trees cut from our property. We had taken some of those glorious Pines and milled them into enough lumber to build a nice large shed (actually we call it the barn it is so big). Unfortunately due to the rain the only part of the shed that received any attention during vacation week was the roof, that is, just the metal part of the roof the rafters were already completed.
8 August 2009
(3 weeks Post Vacation)
22 November 2009