Happy Birthday Josiah!
Josiah turned 3 years old on November 9th 2008 and I cannot believe it. He is so little that most people think that he is Andrew's age, and I would think that too if is wasn't for his extensive vocabulary and incredible coordination. Atleast they would seem extensive and incredible if he was in fact Drew's age, but they are normal for a growing man of 3. Tyler and I have tried to make birthdays special for our boys. As a result Josiah has known that his birthday was "next" ever since Andrew's birthday was over in March. (Not counting Caleb's because we didn't know what day he would be here)
Auntie Ali gave Josiah a new corduroy for his birthday, can you guess what the very first thing he did to corduroy was?
So Josiah has been anxiously awaiting his special day for quite a few months now. Part of me felt that he might think we are deceiving him because it took so long, but it came and that is good. On Josiah's birthday we had a small breakfast celebration featuring apple pancakes with a couple of friends before church. The day was fairly normal other than every once in a while saying "hey Josiah today is your birthday... yay!". On the evening of his big day we had the grandparents over for dinner and cake. Overall I would say that Josiah's birthday was a huge success. It was a special day with friends and family, but it was also quiet and normal enough to not contain a lot of stress. All that I can say is that I am very glad that we have this little blonde boy in our midst.
All of the Smith boys except for Ben (Tyler's brother). From Left to Right we have Blake holding Caleb (Blake is Tyler's brother), Andrew, Isaac (Tyler's brother), Tyler, Elijah, Randy, and Josiah.
Can you tell that Josiah had a wonderful day?