I love to take pictures! I cannot seem to help it, and recently it has been really hard for me to focus on not taking pictures. When we became a one car family, over a year ago now, a strange thing started to happen. I only went into town once a week, and as a result my film from my pictures was dropped off on one Saturday and picked up the Saturday after. Needless to say this saved me money on gas, and I didn't buy as much film because I didn't take as many pics, because if I ran out then I couldn't get to the store for more film in case a moose walked through my yard (which happened once, but wouldn't you know I wasn't here. And I am always here!). So anyway, this long chain of reactions happened and my film would go weeks sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be developed. Finally, I would get a roll done only to see that Andrew was a tiny baby in the pics and now he sits up and rolls and everything. So I started harrassing my husband and family for a digital camera, and it worked! This christmas I got one wonderful present... A digital camera! And not just any digital camera, but the one that I wanted. Thank you to EVERYONE who pitched in time and money to get this for our family. Now we can take pics, see them, and order prints all in one day. I cannot believe it. I am completely flabbergasted. How did I survive childhood with a 35mm?
These pictures were taken last night and this morning. It is great and as you can see the kids love the new camera as well. Well, Elijah does anyway. Josiah was too busy trying to teach Andrew how to crawl, but he did let me get a picture this morning of him reclining (That kid loves to recline). I am just going to put pics up all the time, because I keep taking them. I have taken 294 pictures since I received my camera three days ago, and I am not about to stop now.
On a side note, I am reading this book called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" It is funny, and about English grammer and punctuation. Am I supposed to capitalize English? Anyway, it has made me very aware of my use of apostrophes and such. Please have mercy on my grammer because I hate grammer. But the book is funny anyway, and I am learning some things. Get it from the library, because as much fun as it is to read, I wouldn't buy it. But then I don't buy much.
God bless you all.