09 January 2013

Happy Chaos

What has happened to me?!

That is the question that I keep asking myself.  I have become not only okay with ignoring a mess during the day, but actually able to sit down and relax while it is still there.  I tell you something is seriously wrong here.  This is not me.  I like order.  Lots of nice, neat, organized, businesslike order.  Yet,  as I sit here thinking about how tired I am I realize that, for I don't know how long, my desk is once again in complete chaos.  Not only am I sitting here not caring about it, I am actually not interested in fixing it. 

Big boy legos, little boy legos, a wooden puzzle, an alphabet puzzle, will this ever end?

Is it part of being a mother that expects her children to completely destroy everything?  Even her love of order? 

My desk is forever discombobulated as of late and I don't have the energy to even have an emotion concerning the absolute wreck of a desk.  Given,  I don't sit here often, but still. I am using my schooling clipboard as a coaster for crying out loud!!!

 Just to give you a visual let me share what I am talking about here.

At my desk I have to my left:  a line of books that we use for school;  an open folder for the church finances which have needed to be organized for ,oh, ever; a large open crayon box (tote), a stack of adventures in odyssey that need to be moved to my computer (but first I need to get some free space on the hard drive, hence their new home of waiting in line); a ball of twine, the school clipboard with my coffee cup staining it; and Josiah's flashing ipod.  To my right: a pile of cables (from Siah trying to find his ipod cable), stacks of correspondence, notes about everything from design ideas for the house to deed info and finance account stats;  bank statements for the church and us; a Beth Moore dvd study set; a broken watch; and finally, receipts from my recent grocery and fuel purchases.   Utter chaos, and I was up so late last night that I think that I am going to ignore this and go sit with my boys. 

This is a weird pic of my desk because it is a mirror imagine.  Talk about being tired, I keep staring at this wondering how in the world...

If you think that your desk and house are in bad shape, please look at mine and feel better.

1 comment:

Grace to You said...

My advice - get to a doctor quick, before it's too late!! Maybe there's a cure for what ails you. Whatever you do, don't give up or you'll never dig your way out!

Seriously, dude, this is important.