12 June 2012

A Mother's Morning

According to Laura Numeroff...

If you have a baby who needs to nurse.
You will scoop him up to nurse him after breakfast.
He will need a diaper change. 
So you will change his diaper.
On the way to throwing the diaper away, you notice that the cupboard is dirty.
So you will go to grab the washcloth to clean it.
The washcloth is on the half washed table,
so you will finish cleaning the table. 
After you clean the table you need to put the tablecloth back on.
When you return the washcloth you will notice the breakfast dishes are still in the sink, 
so you will put them in the dishwasher.
It will need to be run,
so you open the cupboard to grab the detergent. 
When you close the cupboard you will notice that it is still dirty,
So you will wash it off.
While you are washing it off, the baby will fuss.
Which will remind you that he needs to be nursed. 
And chances are, when you go to nurse him, he will also need a diaper change....

No joke, this is how my mind sometimes works, and seriously,  this is exactly what my Friday morning looked like for about 15 minutes.   Which reminds me, I need to go make some more wipes...


Macey said...

Love this!

Amanda said...

That was superb! Now you need to illustrate and publish! ; )

Newton said...

If only I could draw. The last page could have a frazzled mom holding a baby by his heels while the father walks in wondering why she is so stressed.